Deck Lists

 Here is a list of decklists that the team has put together. If you see multiple decklists, they will be different and played differently than the others; with the exception of version numbers(v3.5).


     Twilight Ruler - April

     LightSworn Ruler - April

     Twisted Axis Fire Fists - April

     Spellbooks - Jan   

     Plant Synchro - Jan


     Karakuri Turbo v3.5 (Peperm1nt) - April
     Karakuri Turbo (MrCardz88) - April

     Evilswarm (Infernity234) - May

     Chaos Dragons (Dustin Lester) - May

     Karakuri Can v3.8 (Peperm1nt) - May

     Constellars are Changing Stars (Peperm1nt) - May

     Karakuri Can v4 (Peperm1nt) - June Regional Top 32(Madison, TN)

     Karakuri Can v5 (Peperm1nt) - July (WCQ Decklist)

     Gravekeeper Control (Peperm1nt) - July

     Elemental Dragons (Peperm1nt) - Aug

     Blue-Ruler (Peperm1nt) - October Top 8(Garden City, MI)

     Azure-Ruler (Peperm1nt) December 2nd Place(Columbus, OH) 

     Turbo-Ruler (Peperm1nt) - December(Jan 2014 Format)