Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Karakuri Turbo v3.5

I have been a MAJOR fan of Karakuri(KK for short) since the initial release. Also, if you notice my version number(v3.5), you will see that I have used it for a while now; 2 1/2 years it seems. The consistent ability to get an opening Naturia Beast and/or OTK makes this deck very viable. This is my turbo build and the playstyle calls for an aggressive player. Details of card choices following the decklist:

Monsters: 18
3 KK Komachi
3 KK Merchant
1 KK Soldier
2 KK Kuick
1 KK Haipa
2 KK Strategist
1 KK Watchdog
1 Psychic Commander
1 Mental Seeker
3 Solar Wind Jammer

Spells: 18
3 E-Tele
3 Instant Fusion
3 De-Synchro
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Limiter Removal
1 Book of Moon
1 Card Destruction
1 My Body as a Shield

Traps: 4
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Solemn Warning
2 Fiendish Chain

Extra Deck: 15
2 Cyber Saurus
1 Catastor
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Landoise
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
2 KK Burei
3 KK Bureido
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Volcasaurus
1 Number 11: Big Eye

Card Choices:
Card Destruction - This is to help improve the consistency with the deck. Also, after 2 regional tournaments, most players I played had an opening Maxx "C". I like to push and get my setup of Naturia Beast and Landoise(along with others) because Rabbit variants are the only decks I have trouble with because of Laggia. After STUPID pluses off Maxx "C" my opponent will get a nice Card Destruction to end the turn with a possible deck out by my opponent. Went to Louisville Regionals and played a Chaos Dragon deck and my opponent had 18 cards in hand from Maxx "C"(and I went first). Card Destruction>Scoop!! So makes for a nice FTK play or at the minimum 22 cards discarded vs Maxx "C". Also, helps you get the another De-Synchro or other combo card to continue your play.

Mental Seeker - 2nd psychic tuner and to be different, a 2nd Psychic Commander would be the better choice, but yeh... stop hating on me. Also, I don't run 3 Psychics because I don't need the 3rd! Pot of Avarice is there to recycle if needed for the 3rd E-Tele, but you ARE GOING to bring out Landoise so there is a spell for him to toss.

Thought Ruler Archfiend?? - Notice the Side deck is not listed? Level 8 Synchroes are STUPID easy to bring out, and Erradicator Epidemic Virus is a good way to make Spellbooks say "GG". The rest of the side deck will not be revealed at this time.

Burei - Burei is at two because I have yet to get 3 out with this build or need to get the 3rd. Extra Deck space has like 2 slots that I can play with for the 3rd, but I have others in it's place. You don't need the 3rd. If you do, you aren't playing the deck right.

Volcasaurus - Every hand with this build is either OTK push, Stun(Landoise and/or Beast), the RARE instance that I can't do either of those two plays, I can get a Rank 5 out with ease. I had Zenmains in that slot, but wasting the Komochi + Komachi/Strategist is a WASTE here. Tirias was an option instead of Volcasaur, but I'm going to test it more like this. Volcasaur is better than Tirias when you push and I'm all about pushing(see Card Destruction).

I hope you guys enjoy the decklist. Lmk if you need more info. I'm a Karakuri Veteran and have played them for over 2 1/2 years now. Many of my thoughts and ideas for Karakuri came from the DuelingDays Blog and I HIGHLY suggest you check those guys out. They are boss.


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