Below the decklist is the changes :D
Decklist: Karakuri Can OTK!! v3.8
Monsters: 19
x3 Solar Wind Jammer
x3 KK Komachi
x3 KK Merchant
x2 KK Strategist
x1 KK Watchdog
x2 KK Kuick
x2 KK Nisamu
x1 KK Haipa
x2 Psychic Commander
Spells: 19
x3 Instant Fusion
x3 De-Synchro
x3 E-Tele
x1 KK Cash Cache
x1 One Day of Peace
x1 Iron Call
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Heavy Storm
x3 MST
x1 Book of Moon
x1 Pot of Avarice
Traps: 2
x2 Trap Stun
Extra Deck:15
x2 Cyber Saurus
x1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
x1 Number 61: Volcasaurus
x1 Number 11: Big Eye
x1 AOJ Catastor
x1 Naturia Beast
x1 Naturia Landoise
x1 Black Rose Dragon
x2 KK Burei
x3 KK Bureido
x1 Stardust
Side Deck: 15
x1 KK Sazank
x2 Effect Veiler
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Solemn Judgment
x2 Fiendish Chain
x3 Compulsory Evacuation Device
x2 Nordic Relic Laevateinn
x3 Macro Cosmos
I feel kinda weird for posting my complete decklist 2 weeks before I go to Regionals, but I must explain this to other KK players. Traditionally, the sideboard is used to counter certain threats against the player's deck, or to completely shut said deck down. With this side board, we will be going into Games 2 & 3 with a completely different playstyle and counter siding everything the player is going to do to hurt us and exploit the weaknesses they will now have in their deck.When a player sees an OTK based deck(or KK specifically), they generally take out all spell and trap hate to bring in cards that will kill/hurt us(Maxx "C", System Down, and Thunder King are a few). So, in Game 1, we will be going completely OTK based. We will not main the 'solemn brigade' or any other traps to help influence the taking out of MSTs and Heavy Storms from our opponent's deck in Game 2 & 3. Regardless of how Game 1 went, win or lose, we will be taking out MOST of the OTK cards from our deck and replacing the traps in to help beat our opponent. This will cause a shift and the Opponent will not know what to expect because in Game 1, he/she saw a full onslaught of Synching and big pushes, and now in Game 2, we will be setting 2-3 Traps a turn?!
I do not want to reveal too much about the strategy at this time, but I promise to explain after Akron, May 18th! But, I'm sure if you look and think hard enough, the card choices and plays will come to you :P
Enjoy :D
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