It's about time that I start playing the higher tiered Meta; and between Spellbooks and Dragons, I have to play them dragons! First the decklist, then the match ups I had on Louisville, KY's win-a-case going x-1 and taking 2nd place :)
x20 Standard Dragon Lineup
x1 Dragunity Corsesca
x1 Tsukuyomi
x3 Effect Veiler
x3 Maxx "C"
Spells: 11
x2 Gold Sarcophagus
x3 Super Rejuvenation
x3 Sacred Swords
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Book of Eclipse
x1 Card Destruction
Traps: 1
Vanity's Emptiness
x1 Dragunity Corsesca
x1 Tsukuyomi
x3 Effect Veiler
x3 Maxx "C"
Spells: 11
x2 Gold Sarcophagus
x3 Super Rejuvenation
x3 Sacred Swords
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Book of Eclipse
x1 Card Destruction
Traps: 1
Vanity's Emptiness
Card Choices:
Tsukuyomi Mained is good, I side it in for Evilswarms and Spellbooks, so I figure instead of scooping game one, try to have a chance and not give up a free win. No regrets about it, and it helps in other matchups when I need to side out.
Book of Eclipse is so good, but I hate not having Book of Moon. I like the Lightforce Sword idea, and it seems kinda interesting. I haven't tested it, but I simply don't like the word "Destroy" on the card text; and I always lose to Starlight Road in decks that don' t need it.
x3 Sacred is good, but cloggy at times. However, it is necessary in Spellbooks over x3 Gold Sarc.
Matchups: X-1 2nd Place Overall
Round 1: Exodia FTK
G1: He went first and couldn't pull off the FTK. Next turn, went Herp-Derp and OTK'd him.
G2: He went first, again, and Pulled off the FTK.
G3: I sided in both Horus lvl 6 & lvl 8 but quickly realized that it would not work because he had no mosters *look of shame* but I was able to draw into Card Destruction killing off 2 pieces and he scooped. Lucked out.
Round 2: Garden Control
G1: He opened up what looked like Evilswarms(please note that Ophion did not hit the field), I ended up killing him off my turn.
G2: I sided in the Evilswarm hate, and ended up grinding out for 3 turns. after I saw that it was Garden Control(didn't see Garden G1), I quickly went played protect the Skill Drain and beat him down.
**Overall, this wasn't a hard matchup, as long as you get rid of Garden before you do anything, preventing the Tokens from summoning**
Round 3: Spellbooks
G1: I went first and setup Dracossack with 2 Effect Veilers in hand, and full rainbow in grave. He scooped his first turn. *Had I not known the guy was playing Spellbooks, I may have been in trouble Game 2*
G2: I sided SB hate, and his opened board was Magician, Jowgen, Star Hall, Set Card. I read SB Fate, but he never searched it with Judgment or anything else, so I assumed he opened with it. I went herp-derp and brought out Horus and Tidal after Book of Eclipse was used to flip both F/D. I was reading either Fate or Mirror Force was set, but because he thought for a little bit(this was before I searched Horus) whether or not to do anything on the summon of a Dragon. Anyway attacked and ran into Mirror Force. He won because I couldn't recover.
G3: I went first, and set-up pretty well, but full rainbow was in grave and had 6 in hand plus Dracossack on board. Next turn OTK thanks to BoE.
Round 4: Mirror Match
G1: I think he went first, but nonetheless, he was conservative in his play and I pushed too hard. He won.
G2: Had good draws off of Swords and he stopped my plays with Scarecrow. He went next turn and made Crimson Bladder and Big Eye(I think) Double Veiler FTW!! Next turn, Made Big Eye and took Crimson and extended a little more, Attacked and he conceded next turn.
G3: He went first, and this was going down hill on my second turn after he Maxx "C"d. I didn't want to go into time(the store's End of Match Procedure was really annoying). After testing the deck for a while, I've found that you can almost always make Crimson Bladder. I had most of the Rainbow in grave and could have turned it into a grind game but he would have beat me because of what little I could have did(Little to no hand) in proceeding turns. I opted to play into Maxx "C" and make Big Eye, Take his Blaster, Summon my Blaster and with Master of Blades on board; attacked in hopes of Game(I knew he mained 1 Scarecrow and Sided 1). The attacks went through for game. Had I not did this I honestly felt that I would have lost and if the attacks didn't go through, I would have after giving him a +3 off Maxx "C". If the attacks didn't go through, I was gonna summon Tidal, then make Lucky Straight. Roll 3 Times in hopes of Drawing Rejuv(my deck was down to around 20). Rejuv was still at 3 in the deck and I would have got 4-6 Draws off it with 2 Maxx "C" and 3 Veiler in deck still. Needless to say, I took the gamble and won.
Round 5: 3-Axis
G1: I went first and herp-derp won out.
G2: He went first, and pulled the Horse combo off, I Drew crap, and Bottomless Trap Hole stopped my play, he OTK'd next turn.
G3: I went First and Opened Skill Drain. Set-up MoB and set Skill Drain. He attacked over Blades and did Damage. I drew with a hand that consisted of 1 Effect Veiler, 1 Maxx "C" and Super Rejuv. Summoned Redox in Defence ended. He summoned something and I flipped Skill Drain to prevent the play(spirit I think) he set 2 and ended. I drew and then he activated Soul Drain, this stopped all plays and turned the game into a long grind of just draw and hope I got something, several turns later, I had 7 cards in hand, 1 Sword, 2 Effect Veiler(I set one previous turn), 2 Maxx "C", 2 Super Rejuv. Turns later I finally drew a dragon and was able to pull of damage after a long grind.
Round 6: Mirror Match
G1: He won, not much to say, typical dragon match.
G2: I went first, setup good, got rejuv off and too much rainbow for the win.
G3: Back and forth, Misplay'd about midway through and didn't bring out Blaster to get over his Master of Blades to clear the field. Turns later, I brought out Lucky Straight to try and get some draws off, but he Veilers, which IMO I shouldn't have brought it out. I didn't think it was gonna help me further in the match and I read Veiler and forced him to use it, but I miscounted my dragons and couldn't XYZ again, was only able to bring out 1 Tidal from gyd. I cleaned the Materials from Straight and ended. We went into time and I was able to turn the game around on my final turn(which again, the store's End of Match procedure is messed up, you only do 3 turns instead of 5) but was unable to put enough Damage. Had I not brought out Straight and instead brought out Dracossack or Big Eye to force the Veiler, the out come would have been the same, but I could have made Straight in the end for hopes of Damage + More. Regardless, it was a great game. and Congrats to the winner.
**I guess the curse of not getting first is still on me haha even if I play Meta. That makes the 28th Second Place I've got in 35 or so Locals/Regionals/Etc. lol maybe next time.
Overall, had a really fun time playing with all the players in Louisville. The playtesting is what I came for, and man I got it! There were several highly competitive games going on all around me and I got to watch some of them. Learned a nice play with Colossal Fighter in the mirror from one of my friends and answers a couple issues. I actually got to do it in the final for a game 2 win. Now preparing to take on Columbus! The side deck was highly effective and I liked it, haven't decided on a certain card, but I'll reveal after Columbus. Thanks for reading and leave comments below and don't forget to subscribe for future posts!
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