Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Infestation Has Arrived

  Hey everyone! Eric here, aka infernity234. Well it's finally happened. Evilswarms have made their way to the TCG. This archetype has been heavily anticipated, and for good reason. With Evilswarms being a dominant force in the OCG, its no surprise that they have been on everyone's radar for quite some time. But is the deck the powerhouse that everyone thinks it is, or is it just all hype? I'm here to give you a look at some of the best cards the archetype has to offer at the moment in the TCG, as well as the deck list i am currently running.

 First, lets look at the monster Evilswarm Thunderbird. This monster has a similar effect as wind-up rabbit, in that it can banish itself to protect it from card effects. The downside is that it can only banish itself when a card effect is activated. So if your opponent summons a monster that can run over it, it can not protect itself from being destroyed. However, When it returns during the next standby phase after it's effect was activated, it gains 300 ATK making it a 1950 beater. A monster that can avoid destruction by card effect, and run over thunder king when it returns, Sounds extremely good to me.

Next we have Evilswarm Castor. During the turn castor was normal summoned, you are given an extra normal summon of an lswarm monster, however you can only gain this effect once per turn. Castor is essentially the go to Evilswarm for a easy rank 4 xyz summon. Also with him being a warrior type, it is searchable with reinforcement of the army, as well as being able to play heroic champion excalibur and blade armor ninja. Castor is a staple at 3 in any Evilswarm.

 Then, we have the spellbook of wisdom like card, Infestation Pandemic. This is one of, if not the most useful (as well as annoying if you are playing against the deck) cards you will run in the deck. All face up lswarn monsters you currently control are unaffected by other spell and trap cards this turn. Yes you read that right, "All" face up lswarm monsters. This card has so many uses in the deck aside from avoiding your opponents spells and traps. you can also use your mass removal cards and chain this card to keep your monsters safe, essentially turning your dark hole into a raigeki. This card is also searchable with Evilswarm ophion, who we will talk about next.

 Now for the reason that this deck has been Doing so well in events, I give you, Evilswarm Ophion. This Monster is the bane of many duelists at the moment. While this card has xyz material, level 5 or higher monsters cannot be special summoned. Once per turn, you can detach 1 xyz material from this card to add 1 infestation spell/trap card from your deck to your hand. Ok, lets break this down. The card was good enough for just having the effect of stopping level 5 or higher special summons, but searching out infestation pandemic as well to protect it, not to mention its 2550 ATK, that's insane. many players use this term too often where it does not apply, but it applies to Ophion. Broken. With Evilswarms being able to pump out rank 4 monsters every turn, expect to have to deal with this monster over and over again.

 Lastly, we have what i believe to be the 2nd best Evilswarm xyz monster, Evilswarm Bahamut. Once per turn, you can detach 1 xyz material from this card to target 1 face up monster your opponent controls; discard 1 lswarm monster, and take control of the opponents monster. This card is essentially a number 11 Big Eye for Evilswarms. Also the great thing about it is that Bahamut can still attack on the turn you use its effect. This card can get some massive damage in on the turn you use it's effect if you take control of a strong monster.

   This is the current build i am using for Evilswarm. After Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy is released later this month, i will be adding in 3 Evilswarm Kerykeion, which is the best level 4 monster for the deck. I decided to max out on all the evilswarm i wanted to play in the deck just to increase the odds of getting Ophion out onto the field on my first turn. its essential to get it out right away to lock down any high level summonings your opponent wishes to do. i also chose to run 2 thunder king for the prophecy matchup. spellbook of fate is a big problem for this deck if you dont have pandemic so having thunder will help to slow the prophecy player down a lot. I maxed out on effect veiler as well for the fire fist and mirror match ups. bear is also a big problem for this deck, as well as fire fist in gerneral because ophion does not affect the deck at all. To help combat those same issues, i added 2 forbidden dress. This card is also extremely helpful against the mermail matchup. The only out mermails have to ophion is Heavy infantry, and dress will protect Ophion from it effectively shutting the mermail player down. After Tachyon comes out, the meta should change to Evilswarm, Prophecy, and Elemental Dragons. Those are the 3 decks that you will more than likely see the most.  The rest of the deck is pretty straight forward as far as the rabbit and trap line up goes. Just protect that Ophion and it should help you win the duel. Thank you for reading!

    -Eric (infernity234)

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