Wednesday, May 1, 2013

DON'T DO THAT!?! 'Slow Play'

Starting on Wednesdays, we will be posting some slightly humorous or obvious misplay situations that are common in Yu-Gi-Oh!. This will be a new feature of the blog of small tips for both tournament and casual play.

This week in DON'T DO THAT!?! we will be talking about 'Slow Play'. For those not in the know, Slow Play is when a player takes excessive time to determine a play to make. Not only is this the most FRUSTRATING thing a player can do to really piss a player off, it's a tournament violation that can result in a match loss and strike against you. The goal here is to send the game into final match procedures to get a tie or force the victim into pushing too hard for an opening. So if you fall victim to this tactic, be polite and call a judge. I know it's hard to call someone out on it because of how complex the game is sometimes but Slow Play can cause a loss to a player who should have won. So refrain from punching the player in the mouth, because I KNOW you really want to, and get a judge.
Happy Dueling :D

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