Thursday, July 11, 2013

US WCQ 2013 Karakuri Can v5

Karakuri Can v5
41 Cards Total

Monsters: 24
x3 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
x1 Solar Wind Jammer
x3 KK Komachi
x2 KK Merchant
x1 KK Strategist
x1 KK Watchdog
x2 KK Nisamu
x2 KK Kuick
x1 KK Haipa
x2 Psychic Commander
x3 Maxx "C"
x3 Effect Veiler

Spells: 12
x3 Instant Fusion
x3 E-Tele
x1 De-Synchro
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Pot of Avarice
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Book of Moon
x1 KK Cash Cache

Traps: 5
x3 Compulsory Evacuation Device
x2 Breakthrough Skill

Extra Deck: 15
x2 Cyber Saurus
x1 Temtempo
x1 Big Eye
x1 Dracossack
x1 Catastor
x1 Naturia Beast
x1 Naturia Landoise
x2 KK Burei
x3 KK Bureido
x1 Stardust Dragon
x1 Crimson Blader

Side Deck: 15
x3 Electric Virus
x3 Gozen Match
x2 Imperial Iron Wall
x2 Rivalry of Warlords
x2 Soul Drain
x2 Trap Stun
x1 Malevolent Catastrophe

The side deck went through some serious changing over the last week or so, and this was the what I ended up taking to WCQ. 3 Electric Viruses is E-Dragon hate and added Ophion hate. 3 Gozen Match is probably better than Imperial Iron Wall and Mind Drain in the E-Dragon Matchup. Gozen hits the field and stops everything from working. All the others only take care of only 1 side of the fence; Hand or Graveyard. 2 IIW, standard E-Dragon hate and Spellbook hate. 2 Rivalry of Warlords, anti Ophion, love it. Soul Drain, for Mermails and if I needed added help in E-Dragons, here it is. 2 Trap Stun is for if I had to play Chain Burn, and to help out with Evilswarms. 1 Malevolent Catastrophe, was used for Evilswarms and Fire Fists.

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