Friday, June 7, 2013

Getting ready for Nats!

Since my top 32 at Madison, I have been constantly thinking about what I am going to do to my Karakuri deck to make it even more competitive. Seeing as to how I will mainly be up against the big 3; E-Dragons, Prophecy, and Evilswarms, I've been thinking that it would be best to main key cards from my side deck to help push the match ups in my favor. I've thought about maining 1-2 Mind Drain because that would cover the E-Dragon matchup, and knock out Effect Veiler and Maxx "C" from being abused in other matchups. I've thought about maining 1-2 Mischief of the Yokai to cover Evilswarms and E-Dragons, as well as any other synchro/exceed plays in any deck!

Current changes are removing the Forbidden Dress from the lineup, adding in 1 more De-Synchro, and using 1 My Body as a Shield to help protect against Trap Heavy Evilswarms and such. I feel as though these changes will help out with some of the consistency issues I was facing in some of my matchups at Madison. Also, I have removed Black Rose Dragon from my extra deck to replace with a Crimson Blader; as well as, removed Number 61: Volcasaurus for a  Dracossack! Crimson Blader is needed in any deck that can access it because it shuts down E-Dragons, prevents Prophecy from summoning High Priestess, and just about any of the other matchups I may have; such as Mermails and Karakuri-Variants. At the moment, I am trying to find a way to add in one more Karakuri "Burei" into my extra deck, but I simply do not have the space! The only option I see is removing Ally of Justice Catastor and I really don't wanna remove him because of off plays and other situations I may face, but I'm pretty sure the swap will have to be made(read further for reasoning).
Redox is finally going to see play in my build! So far in testing, this allows so many more plays and opens a lot of doors for making an easier Dracossack or Big Eye, or simply bringing back a dead Naturia Beast or Crimson Blader to help keep the pressure on my opponent. Before, I would have to De-Synchro/Iron Call/Monster Reborn to extend into a good defensive or offensive play, and waste so many resources to reach a Big Eye! Now with Redox, I can use 3 cards to break even with a good defensive or offensive play and save all the other resources for a big push later in the duel. This helps Karakuri players out on so many levels for the simple fact that without Pot of Avarice, we can not reset our plays! On the typical big push, it's easy to go through 8-15 cards, and the deck only runs 4-6 basic level 4 monsters. I find that if it is mid-late game, when the big push happens you will see all those basics go to the grave! That means if the opponent somehow survives and has a play against you, you are out of resources to continue the duel. With Redox, you have access to an extra Monster Reborn that will get back those resources you need to help push over your opponent. Any Karakuri player will tell you that it only takes 1-2 cards to get back into the game, granted the opponent doesn't have a response, and Redox adds to that list of cards.
Stardust was the absolute MVP at Madison and helped make players waste so much to get around it! I'm trying to figure out ways to use him again in my upcoming matchups, with the aid of Dracossack. The main reason Stardust was so effective was because he saved my traps from being destroyed. Traps such as Compulsory Evacuation Device and Fiendish Chain were used to protect Stardust from the outs the opponent may have and to stop the plays that my opponent would have. Simply put, I played Stardust very defensively, and with that, I was aloud to setup for a big push after negs my opponent would take. A combination of Naturia Beast and Stardust would allow a massive trap lineup to be very much protected from anything that would come from my opponent. I honestly couldn't believe how effective this was in a format so fast and I plan on abusing him again at Nationals! My goal for Nats is to find a way to bring out Naturia Beast, Stardust, and Dracossack/Naturia Landoise on my first turn.

Adding in the Redoxes required me to drop a special Karakuri from my deck, Karakuri Watchdog. I have used him so much and over the past 2 1/2 years to extend into a triple KK Bureido and similar plays, but seeing as to how you NEED a minimum of 5 basic level 4's(my preference), KK Watchdog was one of the few options to be removed and seeing as to how I will be needing speed for the defensive approach I will be utilizing, I have decided to main 2 Maxx "C". If you have been following the decklists, I have never mained Maxx "C" in my Karakuri builds and I have only sided him once(at 2) at the Columbus Regionals; only to never have sided him in! Now that the format has shifted into E-Dragons, I have decided to main him at 2 to keep my hand full for when I make the defensive plays. In certain match-ups, I see Maxx "C" being an auto side for when I need to bring in my extra traps from the side deck, to help keep my OTK engine untouched. This was a major factor that prevented me from Top 8'ing at Madison, and now, I will be prepared for these massive sides(usually 5-8 cards were sided in most of the match-ups). But Maxx "C" can do a lot of good things in the E-Dragon matchup and one of which is to ensure I get all the cards I side to ensure I get that Big Push and all the traps to prevent anything else from occurring throughout the rest of the duel!

In closing, I think Karakuri has a good chance with the current format. Everything is situational when you are playing E-Dragons and Prophecy with all the speed they have, but what Karakuri has that no other deck has, is access to Naturia Beast and Naturia Landoise whenever the player wishes! Nat Beast is an instant Spellbook/Prophecy killer and Landoise adds so much pressure to any given deck, and those two in conjunction with a 1-3 card OTK engine is a recipe of destruction for any deck. Thanks for reading the post and check back in the next couple weeks for the updated Karakuri build that take US Nationals by surprise!


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