Sunday, May 12, 2013

What's in a Name?!?

"Pepz Dueling Yard" seems alright, if it were just me posting on here, but I have a team of people posting and I want this blog to be a very helpful resource for duelist of all experience levels. So I need to change this name, and I need your help! Leave a comment below of what you would like the name to be! Be creative and have fun!

Also, the Constellar deck has been completed for competitive play! I am currently 5-0 on DevPro and 10-0 on DN! So expect a list soon! The decklists page has been updated, and I'm still trying to find some interesting techs to go on the "Teching" the Deck page. Post some of your ideas in the comments section and thanks for reading.

Happy Mothers day!


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