Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Updates to Come!!



Still trying to get everything set up on the site. Added some new tabs and glad to see MrCardz88 posting on here as well. Hopefully this weekend, I will have another decklist or two posted with some explanations and maybe some polls set up to ask for future features. Right now, we are getting some write ups finished for the 'Teching' the Deck page and soon to get YouTube channels linked so we can start posting some videos for your viewing needs. Let us know in the comments what you would like to see this blog aim for to help keep us busy.

'Teching' the Deck:

The 'Teching' the Deck tab will be an awesome little feature of this blog that will have a list of current viable cards that can be added into any/most decks. Also, there will be strategies and combos to be applied for certain archtypes or themes(Karakuri, Mermail, Spellbooks, etc). This will be a continually growing page of basic information. If further information needs to be brought for certain combos or strategies, one of the members will write a feature post to help further go into explanation of the cards. At request, we will try to further build onto this page based on viewer input and the shifting of the Meta.


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