Monday, April 14, 2014

I'm not gone! News update and Meta-Call from yours truely

I appologize for not uploading anything new in a while, but for spoilers to come, I've been working on decklists for the April format and testing the heck out of Lightsworns with the upcoming support. I should have 6!! Decklists for you guys within this week featuring my current and post-support Lightsworns, as well as my spin of Fire Fists.

Sadly that's all for this post but before I go, I want to share a Meta-Call with all of my readers. Everyone should be Maining 3 Maxx "C" and 2 Effect Veiler; and if you have the room 2-3 Mind Crush! This has been so devastating game 1 and no one sees these cards coming. Too much of the Meta is searching and too much of the Meta is special summoning. I'll try to write an article for you guys explaining why, but for now I have to go. Keep posted on the upcoming posts.

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