Sunday, April 20, 2014

Wanna see Horse Price go +3 to +5?

I just want to share a nice combo I've discovered with 3 axis fire fists that I will be trying to incorporate once ARG is over since Soul Charge is gonna be a BIG problem next Friday.
Starts off with a hand of any of the following:

Spirit, Leopard, ETele
Tenki, Leopard, ETele
Tensu, Leopard, ETele
Spirit, Tenki, ETele
...any Sacred Combo + E Tele

*Sacred Combo is the Horse Prince play in 3 axis*

Combo into Horse Prince with any of the above hands, for example, summon Leopard, effect to set Tensu, Activate Tenki, Search Spirit, Activate Tensu, Summon Spirit, SS Leopard, Make Horse Prince.

This is where E Tele comes in:
Horse Prince summon Lonefire Blossom! From the deck, then use Lonefire Blossom on himself to summon Dandy, ETele into Psychic Commander, overlay into Meliae the Tree Spirit, Detach Dandy to summon Lonefire from grave, Lonefire tribute token to summon 2nd lonefire.

Board is now: Horse Prince, Meliae Lonefire, Lonefire(unused), token.

You have 2-3 things you can do from here depending on gamestate, but lets just say this is turn 1.
Lonefire tribute Lonefire to get Spore from deck, synchro into Formula Synchron, draw 1 card.

Congratulations, you just went +3 to +5 depending on opening hand. Board is now, Horse Prince, Meliae, Formula Synchron, Lonefire Blossom, Tenki, Tensu, and 4-5 in hand. But why is this good? On your opponents turn you can make, Catastor(mermail, geargia/karakuri), Armades(buijin), any level 8 synchro(Stardust for Exciton), or Star Eater for big monsters. In grave you have a Spore to sync level 7-8 with any of the Fire Fists. You can even change up the Lonefire stuff to fit into any of the boards your opponent may have, and even make Big Eye or Dracossack... Say its situational.. You can do this by turn 2 in 3 axis as long as you open an Emergency Teleport or draw into it. Remember, you heard it from here first.

At any point after this play has been made, you can make Quasar, simply by drawing into Soul Charge!

Happy Dueling and enjoy! Told you guys I had some new stuff...

Lightsworns of two shapes - 2 Lightsworn Decklists

In the coming months, Lightsworn will be receiving new support, so I built a Lightsworn Dragon Ruler decklist to see what the deck could currently do. The deck is designed to play complete speed and win by turns 2-4 and has relatively great success considering I was using it in the last half of the January format! I chose to use Gragonith(the Dragon Lightsworn) over Celestia due to consistency reasons and to have an added dragon target for summons of the Dragon Rulers, all why fueling Judgment Dragon. If you can open a board of Lumina + Lumina + Garoth, chances are you will mill down to 5-10 cards and have access to all the Dragon Ruler plays you would ever need! The Blue-Eyes engine is utilized as well for an added level 1 tuner and to help thin the deck, all while maintaining hand advantage from a Lumina discard and hopefully to speed things along with Trade-In. The deck is super fun and consistent, I also have another Twilight variant that I believe is somewhat better, due to the amount of plays it can make.

Twilight Ruler I feel is the slightly better deck due to the plays it can make. For starters, you have 5 Boss monsters in the form of 3 Judgment Dragons and 2 Chaos monsters, and all that is beside the Dragon Rulers and Synchros this deck can produce. Again, you use the Lightsworn's to provide early graveyard fuel for your boss monsters. Tuning and Unknown Synchron put in heavy amounts of work in providing a searchable level 1 tuner and relatively easy access to Beelze! The Blue-Eyes engine is excluded here due to space issues, but I feel they would provide great support if you could fit them. Overall, I'm happy this build and the plays it can make are more than enough to end the matches quickly.

These are the two Lightsworn decklists that I have been playing with the past month or so, trying to prepare for the new Lightsworn support. A week or so before the new support is released, I will reveal that version to ensure it gets proper testing for everyone. I feel this will be a very explosive deck at the upcoming NAWCQ and will catch a lot of players by surprise if they aren't prepared. The deck just auto-wins if going first on an average hand.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Twisted Axis Fire Fists for April 2014

Hello again everyone! I'm back to having some free time and as promised, here is my Twisted Axis Fire Fists deck profile for the April 2014 format. Currently, the Meta has not shifted completely for the beginning stages and no clear tier 1 has been determined at this point, but notable decks right now are Geargia, Fire Fists, and Buijin. I've always had a theory on what is considered Tier 1/good deck for the longest time, and you can try to apply this as well. Combo beats stun, and a deck has to have a combination of two things to be highly competitive; Search and Draw power, or a significant amount of one of the two. So with this theory, a lot of Draw or a lot of Search power will achieve the formula as well. Looking at the provided decklist, the deck has significant search through Leopard, Bear, Gorilla, and Tenki, while lacking the Draw Power. Now, lets move on to the decklist so we can talk about choices.

Decklist: Twisted Axis Fire Fists

Monsters: 16
x1 Coach Soldier Wolfbark
x1 FF Spirit
x2 FF Rooster
x3 FF Leopard
x3 FF Bear
x1 FF Gorilla
x2 Effect Veiler
x3 Maxx "C"

Spells: 13
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Rekindling
x2 FF Tensu
x3 FF Tenki
x2 FF Gyokkou
x3 MST
x1 Forbidden Lance

Traps: 11
x1 Call of the Haunted
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Torrential Tribute
x3 Fiendish Chain
x2 Mirror Force
x2 Trap Stun

Extra Deck: 15
x2 FF Horse Prince
x1 Vulcan the Divine
x1 Leo, the Keeper of Sacred Trees
x1 Lion Emperor
x1 Leviar
x2 Tiger King
x1 FF Cardinal
x1 Bujintei Kagutsuchi
x1 Diamond Dire Wolf
x1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
x1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
x1 Abyss Dweller
x1 Gagaga Cowboy

I've been getting a great amount of criticism for maining Effect Veiler and Maxx "C". A lot of players are suggesting that the Meta doesn't allow Maxx "C" to be mained and that Effect Veiler is a minus 1 that wishes it was Fiendish Chain. My retort is always, what do you define as Meta currently? Let's think about all the consistent, very good decks that you should see going into a Regional or Premier event for this format currently. Geargia was praised on the release of the list to be the best because it wasn't touched, Madolche were here and there and with Madolche Angelly's release imminent, players could be playing this to prepare for it's release and currently, the deck is pretty stable and solid. +1 Fire Fists will still exist for a short time, but most Fire Fist players have moved on to the Dual Axis variant. Hieratic's only lost one Seal of Convocation and the similar Skill Drain Dragon Ruler variants are still amongst the Meta, although probably not at the Tier 1 level. Mermail is probably one of the better decks currently, the list could continue on, but the list provided is more than enough to justify my call for the maining of these hand traps. Geargia plays Trap Stun and if you have no answer to Trap Stun you simply lose to the OTK, so Maxx "C" and Veiler are going to be the only answers for the OTK; as with Madolche as well for the exact same reason. These are just my thoughts on Effect Veiler and Maxx "C" in the main. Currently, Effect Veiler hardly ever gets sided out, and Maxx "C" comes out 30% of the time if truth be told.

Moving on, only two Rooster? Rooster is very good and needs to be in the Main Deck for the Horse Prince play to see complete play and I don't ever want to open this card. Should I open one Rooster, I still have 1 to be used for the play and you will rarely get the opportunity to do it twice. Rooster's effect to swich a Fire Formation, however, is very nice, but I would rather use a Normal Summon on FF Bear or Wolfbark. Also, should I not have a FF Rooster to summon for Horse Prince, I can always get Leopard and use his effect to set another Fire Formation.

Only one Lance and why Trap Stun? With this deck, you want to turn one Horse Prince play, after that you want to setup with Leopard. This will enable you to do the combo on turn two, and with Trap Stun, you can shut off all traps and since Effect Veiler is seeing limited play, you should be golden. Trap Stun is a devastating card, effectively a Heavy Storm, and enables plays where Forbidden Lance will only push through one trap. I agree that you can Damage Step into tricks with Forbidden Lance, but rarely will you ever need to. This combination of one Forbidden Lance and two Trap Stun is still in test, and for the time being will remain the same. I may opt to only play one Trap Stun and two Forbidden Lance after further testing, but this has been great so far.

How do you make Leo? Going back to the Horse Prince play, you end up with FF Horse Prince and FF Rooster on board. Should they survive the opponent's turn, Effect Veiler leads to Leo. You can offset the cost of your normal summon by using Rooster's effect if FF Tensu isn't on board by switching another Fire Formation, such as Tenki. This will bait a Veiler/Fiendish Chain for Rooster hopefully in the process, then you can Tensu summon the Bear for a free pop. Seems good I think and can be clutch if you pulled the play off late game through Rekindling.

Bottomless Trap Hole is in every deck and when Wolfbark or Bear gets hit by it, there's an unsettling feeling of doubt that starts to appear. If the opportunity ever arises to get two of your level threes on board, you can get them back and continue to plus from there.

Finally, Dark Hole being mained. In a grind format where traps are prevalent, Dark Hole is the ultimate weapon and top deck when you are behind. Not too many decks have answers for this and when you are playing the mirror or a Mermail player, this card can change games.

But that is all for today, I hope you enjoy the build and I'll hopefully have another list up before the week's out for some other projects. Thanks :D


Monday, April 14, 2014

I'm not gone! News update and Meta-Call from yours truely

I appologize for not uploading anything new in a while, but for spoilers to come, I've been working on decklists for the April format and testing the heck out of Lightsworns with the upcoming support. I should have 6!! Decklists for you guys within this week featuring my current and post-support Lightsworns, as well as my spin of Fire Fists.

Sadly that's all for this post but before I go, I want to share a Meta-Call with all of my readers. Everyone should be Maining 3 Maxx "C" and 2 Effect Veiler; and if you have the room 2-3 Mind Crush! This has been so devastating game 1 and no one sees these cards coming. Too much of the Meta is searching and too much of the Meta is special summoning. I'll try to write an article for you guys explaining why, but for now I have to go. Keep posted on the upcoming posts.