The mythic dragons are about to be unleashed on the TCG and with them comes the ferocious Felgrand Dragon Knight! Looking at how my projections are, Mythic Tree and Mythic Water will be running at 2 each in standard Dragon builds with Felgrand at 1-2 and Number 46: Dragluon running at 1 in the extra deck. The TCG is about to add a new build of Dragon Rulers to the Meta and the question is how players are going to utilize these new tools.
First off, the required cards; Mythic Tree and Mythic Water. It's great to see that the TCG gets a water/dragon tutor for Tidal, but it doesn't appear that we will see Mythic Water used as such, but at least we can now use dragon banishes and not be limited to potentially "dead" cards in our hands. Mythic Water shines while in the hand so long as you control an earth counterpart on your side of the field. It's a level 8 that can be special summoned while controlling an Earth monster. Off the bat, this card doesn't seem to grand, but what makes it shine is the Mythic Tree, while controlling a level 8 Water, you can match that level; so, we can now have somewhat easy access to rank 8's!
Now, before we go on I want to talk about why this is important. Many players view Dragon Rulers as "unbeatable" or "too OP", etc. This is simply 'not' the case! There are SEVERAL side deck cards that can be utilized to prevent dragon plays that can accommodate plenty of strategies to help fight off the dreaded dragons. What makes the Dragon Deck so hard is the ability to continually put out monsters or plays and survive past turns 3-5; which is where most decks or strategies lack with the exception of stun-based decks. Think about where you lost to dragons in the past and won on an average. Dragons lack a consistent, SOLID, turn 1 play and require the game to advance to turn 3 before things begin to get out of hand. Now, everything is hand dependant and there are situations where turn 2, OTK's can happen but it is poorly consistent and traps are traps! Meaning that when they happen, it's Yu-Gi-Oh! Or you misplayed your traps. On topic, Dragons Lack a solid and consistent turn 1 and the Mythics help answer this problem. Take the following opening hand:
Dragon Ravine, Mythic Wood, Mythic Water, Debris
Seems situational right? You only run 3 ravine, and 2-of's for the rest, so how would this be consistent? The beauty is you can utilize every dragon's effect to bring out this "should win" board, so let's adjust, then make the play:
Hand: Dragon Ravine, Debris, Dragon Ruler(Tidal/Redox) Dragon Ruler.
Result: 9000 LP, Dracossack with 2 Tokens and Felgrand
Play: Activate Ravine, drop Dragon Ruler(Tidal/Redox), send Trigon/Level 3 Dragon to grave, summon Debris, SS Trigon/Level 3, Synch Ancient Fairy Dragon, AFD effect to pop Ravine, Gain 1k, Add Ravine, Activate Ravine. Use the new Ravine Effect to drop Dragon Ruler, then Send the missing color to grave(either Tidal or Redox).
From here, you should have AFD on field and 2nd Ravine(used) on field, with Dragon Ruler, Tidal, and Redox in grave. Use the random Dragon Ruler's effect to banish Tidal and Redox, then add Mythic Tree and Mythic Wood to hand. Activate AFD's effect to SS Mythic Wood, then SS Mythic Water, overlay for Felgrand, then overlay for Dracossack! Make tokens!
From here, you should have AFD on field and 2nd Ravine(used) on field, with Dragon Ruler, Tidal, and Redox in grave. Use the random Dragon Ruler's effect to banish Tidal and Redox, then add Mythic Tree and Mythic Wood to hand. Activate AFD's effect to SS Mythic Wood, then SS Mythic Water, overlay for Felgrand, then overlay for Dracossack! Make tokens!
Now, You could make the double Dracossack + 3 Tokens play but lets look at how this pans out, You end up getting rid of 2 of your big dragons, Tidal and Redox, with only a Tempest or Blaster that you would have access to, but what makes this play so solid is that you now have 2 monsters on board that are going to be extremely tough to get around. Felgrand can either protect himself or be used offensively to negate a potentially devastating effect; whereas before, you had to rely on having a trap to backup the double Dracossack play, you now have a little more room to breath with Felgrand beside Dracossack. Also, note that you could use ALL Dragon Ruler effects this turn to accomplish this, such as use Tempest, Tidal, and Redox to add all the cards to hand. You just need Blaster or Tempest to be able to summon for Dracossack.
This is just one of plenty of plays to come! Keep checking back as I get some more testing going. Trying to make a Azure + Number 46 Play :D
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